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Archive: Jan 25, 2024, 12:00 AM

Withers & Co works hard to bring our clients new ideas, trends, and examples of how other companies are using promotional products, branded merchandise and apparel to take the from a company to a brand. These businesses know their merchandise and apparel is the only part of their brand their clients can touch, so it needs to be special. Our blog is a source for ideas and inspiration. Find something that resonates with you and Withers & Co can help you apply that concept to your merchandise and apparel here in New Zealand. 

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Custom Eco-Friendly Corporate Gifts for B2B Companies | Withers & Co Guide

Elevate your corporate gifting game by embracing sustainable practices with custom eco-friendly gifts for B2B companies. This ultimate guide showcases the best eco-friendly branded merchandise options available, aligning your business with both environmental values and the expectations of your clients and partners. Withers & Co's commitment to providing sustainable gift options ensures that your company can make a positive impact on both the environment and your business relationships....

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Boost Your Non-profit's Fundraising Success with Custom Merchandise from Withers and Co

For non-profit organisations, fundraising is critical in gathering the resources necessary to drive change and make a positive impact. Engaging donors, sharing your message, and showcasing your mission are essential in securing support and achieving your fundraising goals. Custom merchandise serves as a powerful tool to amplify your non-profit's message, engage donors, and generate lasting support....

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Boost Your Sports Team's Identity and Fan Engagement with Custom Merchandise

A strong brand identity is crucial for sports teams looking to energise their fans, rally support, and cultivate a loyal following. Custom merchandise provides an effective method for enhancing team identity while simultaneously engaging fans and generating revenue. Withers and Co specialise in sourcing and delivering quality branded merchandise and custom promotional products that can elevate your sports team's brand and create memorable experiences for fans....

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Boost Employee Engagement and Retention with Custom Corporate Gifts

In an increasingly competitive business landscape, retaining top talent and fostering employee engagement are paramount to organisational success. Custom corporate gifts offer a unique opportunity to showcase your appreciation, inspire loyalty, and strengthen your company's brand identity among employees. Withers and Co specialise in sourcing and delivering quality branded merchandise and custom promotional products, providing businesses with tailored solutions to enhance employee engagement and retention....

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